Middlesex University
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Manage your day-to-day student life here at Middlesex through MDXapp - the University’s official student mobile application.
With key features such as email, library, PC availability and transport updates, MDXapp allows you to manage your day-to-day student life on or off campus.Key features
• View your teaching timetable
• Search the University’s extensive library catalogue and check up on your loans, renewals and reservations
• Detailed campus map
• View and send emails
• Useful university and student information including contact details for a variety of services
• Find available PCs on campus
• Local transport updates
• Access your personal learning portal, My Learning, with information about your course, modules and upcoming assignments
• Receive the latest news and events from the University and Students’ Union
MDXapp was developed collaboratively between the University, Students' Union and students to make sure you get the most out of your time as a Middlesex University student. We will use the feedback we gather from students on MDXapp to continuously try to improve its’ features.
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